Academy of Pediatrics, Vadodara(Previously called IAP-Vadodara branch) was founded in 1977 with 10 members, which was the prerequisite of the IAP central office. At that time, there were only 10 Pediatricians in Vadodara. IAP Vadodara Branch is 3 years younger than the Gujarat State Branch of the IAP
First meeting of the members took place at the residence of Dr. T. B. Patel.
When the branch initially began to function, the annual membership fees were Rs. 20.
The Founder Members

Dr. Chickermane A. S.

Dr. Jhala D. R.

Dr. Modi U. J.

Dr. Patel T.B.

Dr. Phatak A.T.

Dr. Shah A.R.

Dr. Shah D.S.

Dr. Shah H.B.

Dr. Shah J.M.

Dr. Shah S.B
Initially, there were 2 meetings in a year.
The annual meeting was always at the President’s place with presidential dinner.
- The 1 st President was Dr. J. M. Shah.
- The 1 st Secretary was Dr. A.T. Phatak.
The branch hosted its 1 st State level conference in 1979, which was inaugurated by Dr. Kama, a senior General Practitioner of Vadodara.
Vadodara Branch was the trend setter in the matter of policy decisions regarding financial assistance from the infant food industry.
In 1980, the General Body of the IAP Vadodara Branch passed a resolution – Not to accept sponsorship in any form from industries connected directly or indirectly with products covered under the Infant Milk Substitutes, Feeding bottles and Infant food Act 1992.
This resolution was presented and passed at the 18 th National Conference of IAP at Hyderabad in 1980.
Initially our association was part of the Central IAP trust and the accounts were sent to central IAP. The branch was registered as a separate independent trust on 26-12-2006 as Academy of Pediatrics, Vadodara.
Today, we are an association of around 200 Pediatricians from in and around Vadodara. We do lots of academic, social, entertainment and other activities throughout the year. Every month we have clinical case discussions. We organize 3 to 4 updates in a year. Our branch has won the best branch award at state and national level a number of times. We won the best branch award with hat trick from 1998 to 2000.
Our branch has now grown by leaps and bounds in these last 40 years. The present team is managed by young enthusiastic members backed by senior pediatricians.